Using time series analysis (Part 1)

I got the dataset from Kaggle for practicing time series analysis.  

This dataset includes historical product demand by products and warehouses between 2011 and 2017. I loaded data into Incorta, and use the Incorta API to read the data. 

I first did data profiling to summarize the data. I found the data can be categorized by product code, warehouse, and product category. I plan to find the time series based on different product categories and warehouses. 

It was quite challenging to use pandas time series related functions. I need to define the index on a DateTime field, but I can not directly use the date or timestamp field from Spark. Finally, It worked after I use a string field and cover it to date time with Pandas. 

If we don't consider product categories, it does not look like we have time series pattern or trend. 


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