Using Time Series Analysis Electric Production by ARIMA Model

I got the dataset from Kaggle for practicing time series analysis.  

The data set used here has 2 columns, one column is the date and the other column relates to the consumption percentage. It includes the data from Dec 31,1984 to Dec 31,2017. For predicting the consumption of electricity in the coming future. 

I loaded data into Incorta, and use the Incorta API to read the data from Jupyter notebook. I save the model in the external notebook and use data in Incorta. 

First, I import data to Incorta. Then I use the Incorta API to read the data in Jupyter notebooks.

Then, I use the model in Incorta. 

Here is the result in Incorta. The blue line showing original data, and the green line showing predict electric production. 


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