Merge onlinebookstore and classicmodels schemas as unifiedmodel in Incorta

 I have two schemas, one is onlinebookstore and the other is classicmodels which comes from MySQL Sample Database. I want to merge them into a schema named unifiedmodel. 

onlinebookstore ERD

classicmodels ERD

Here are some details about mapping between two schemas.

Source_Table and Source_Column are from those two schemas. The Target_Table and Target_Column are from the unifiedmodel schema. Name and address are conformed to the unifiedmodel. 

Customers Level:

Orders Level:

Products Level:

I used the Materialized View SQL language in incorta to merge the data into a new schema: unifiedmodel. Four tables are created here, they are Customers, Orders, Orderdetails, and Products. 

Here is the Customer table:

Here is the Orders table:

Here is the Orderdetails table:

Here is the products table:

After merging the schemas I can show Top and Bottom 10 Sales from both businesses.


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